With the touch of a button on your smartphone, the CelluCORE™ LIVE lets you see LIVE video of the deer you manage, the spots you scout, the property you protect, or any other scenario that matters to you. That means you get more real-time info than you’ve ever had before. And, with Dual SIM Connectivity, it automatically connects to the strongest cellular network signal in your camera's area.
With Dual SIM Connectivity, it automatically connects to the strongest AT&T or Verizon network signal in your camera’s area. The CelluCORE Live connects, receives, and sorts high-quality images faster and holds up with rugged reliability season after season. You’ll get clear day and night photos sent right to your devices, plus long battery life and a simple setup. See it live, see it now, anytime, anywhere with the CelluCORE Live!
Bushnell CelluCORE Live Dual SIM Trail Camera